Discover the competencies gaps you need to close down and identify your over-performing talents!
Acsendo’s tool helps you assess if your employees have the right competencies for their jobs. You assign specific competencies for each role inside the organization, so you can see if everyone has the right competencies to perform the job’s tasks.
Use the evaluation as an opportunity to close gaps, make the necessary changes and increase productivity.
What do I need to know to evaluate competencies?
Well, not much actually. We’ll be there along the way helping you out, but we think you’ll find it quite easy. Each company has organizational competencies.These are assigned to everyone. After, specific competencies are established and each employee’s department and role type (operations, mid-level, etc.) are taken into account.
The evaluation is multilevel. An employee can evaluate himself, and also be evaluated by his manager, his peers, and collaborators (direct report).
Competencies Report
With your competencies report you’ll be able to quickly see how big a gap there is for each employee and each competency. The report’s clean graphics and color scheme helps you get an instant picture of each employee’s results and identify strengths and weaknesses.
We believe all companies would like to know their employees skills and competencies and, more importantly, if there are hidden talents or employees lost on the wrong roles. Register now for your 30 days free trial and setup your company’s organigram and the competencies for each role in less than 15 minutes.